Case Studies

Client: Non-Traditional Construction, Newcastle Upon Tyne

Services: Specific Defect Report - Cracking

Owning a property of non-traditional construction will not always pose the concerns or hazards some may think. Various remedial works and/or systems are regularly practiced to ensure buildings of such construction can last and remain fit for purpose for the long term. However, defects can occur in many shapes and forms and particularly when cracking is concerned, the structure of such buildings is brought into question.

We were recently appointed to undertake a specific defect survey to investigate the cause of cracking at a property in Newcastle Upon Tyne. Cracking was present both externally to the exterior wall coverings, as well as internally within an attached outbuilding. Concerns over the non-traditional construction techniques of such buildings are not unfounded, as serious defects can develop as a result.

For this reason, a comprehensive approach is required in addition to an in depth knowledge of non-traditional construction. Potential defects associated with the construction cannot be ruled out, but neither can significant external features.

In this case, we identified that though the structure of the building may be contributing towards the cracking, the underlying cause was likely to be insufficient foundations to the outbuilding, and the lack of a sufficient tie from the outbuilding to the main house. Other factors within the grounds were likely exasperating the issue, but the structure of the property itself remained solid.

If you have any questions relating to non-traditional construction buildings or concerning cracking to buildings, we would be happy to discuss how we are able to assist you having the confidence to appropriately approach any property or concern.

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For further information on this or other services please contact one of our experts on 0191 500 9789.

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